Real Leaders Value Intrinsic Motivation Over Loyalty

Real Leaders Value Intrinsic Motivation Over Loyalty

Written By: Dr Charles du Toit

Think about it. In the past leaders prided themselves in the loyalty of their staff, emphasising the transactional nature of the relationship.  They offered benefits, competitive pay, stylish uniforms, a pleasant work environment, and even a gold watch upon retirement. In return, loyal team members would go above and beyond to meet their leader’s needs, exhibiting dedication and consistency in performance.  They walked the extra mile!

This arrangement may have seemed ideal however, in this volatile era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, merely relying on loyalty is no longer sufficient. We need more from employees to ensure the success of our Organisation.

To fully leverage the opportunities presented by intelligent technologies and global access, organisations require employees motivated beyond mere loyalty.

Characteristics such as resilience, innovative, passion, collaboration, and creativity are key.  

In this modern dynamic landscape, we argue that we need employees who are not just loyal but are Intrinsically motivated

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